Alumni ... bila terdengar saje perkataan tuh saya pasti terasa lain mcm jer. Teringat balik kawan2 lama ... wajah2 serta watak & telatah perangai mereka, perkara2 yg dilakukan bersama2, pengalaman pahit manis yang dilalui ... mcm2 lg, pendek kata - endless. Membuat kita tersenyum mengenangkan nostalgia lama.
Perasaan yg di alami ini mungkin berbeza2 antara satu sama lain - biasanya ia bercampur baur antara teruja/seronok & gusar. Rasa excited & seronok sbb dah lama x jumpa, dan mungkin gusar & kekok sbb x pasti how to act or react bila berdepan dgn orang yg dah lama x berjumpa. Lots of possibilities can happen actually... they may accept / reject u ! Serba salah kita dibuatnya.
I'm sure ramai yang masih ingat masa zaman2 kita bersekolah dulu. Masa tu popular dgn cerita Love Story - kalau x silap lakonan Mark Lester & Linda something. Semua remaja masa tuh sibuk dgn FRANCE - Friendship Remains And Never Can End. Siap tulis kat Buku Autograf kengkawan bila tiba akhir tahun. But do we all really believe in it ? Ada ker friendship yg x pernah ends ?
I used to trace for a long lost friend. We lost contact since 1987. Kalau dia terbaca lah blog post nih tentu dia tau who I'm talking abt. Mcm2 taktik & teknik I dah gunakan ... including search engines like Google Moogle etc, tapi x jugak dpt trace.
Tetiba baru2 nih muncul lah nama dia kat FB. Got very excited Tuhan saja yg tahu. Immediately introduced myself ... hoping to get some response.
Next day, to my surprise dia punya FB account tetiba jer not available w this msg appearing on screen : "The page you requested was not found". What happened ? I asked myself. Waited a couple more days, may b ada masalah technical somewhere kot. Wishful thinking ?
But after a week I realized that I hv to accept the fact that tidak semua orang yang kita nak jumpa tu nak jumpa kita ... Mungkin org di sini saja yg beria-ia, tp org di sana dah lama delete kita dari RAM & ROM dia. Kuang kuang kuang !
So what happened to FRANCE ? Yg dulu nya beria-ia lah dgn slogan "friendship remains & can never end" ? heh3 ... I guess that's what makes our life interesting, right ? ;) Org nak, kita x nak. Org x nak, kita nak. Mcm citer2 drama kat TV tuh ... Or may b I shud x jump to conclusion too soon ... may b dia ada masalah lain yg kita x tau ... wallahu a'lam (trying to b +ve lah konon).
Lg pun, what can u expect after a 10-20 yrs of separation. Each one going into their separate ways. Lots of things cud hv happened along the way. And thru time ... people change !
Anyway, back to this ALUMNI thing ... I rasa bagus jika dpt get together again w old friends. At least to know how they r doing, what they r up to now, anak dah berapa treler, sihat ker, x sihat ker, perut dah boroi ker, atau kepala dah bersinar banar ... ;)
This Raya I'm going back to my hometown in Kubang Kerian - as usual. Cuma this time its gonna b a bit special coz we plan to meet w some old friends yg mmg dah berkurun2 lamanya x jumpa ... sejak dari zaman sekolah rendah ! Kayuh basikal together-gether pegi sekolah ... the memories brings u smile on ur face. I wonder how these guys gonna look like today ;) hehheh ... Lots of catch-up to do.
I think all of us trying to do this FRANCE sir....But maybe under some circumstances they CAN'T.
And for sure people change sir...We will see different people after 10-20 yrs. Most of them,not all for sure...
Like in your case with your friend through FB tu..My opinion la.. Maybe he is not ready to see you. Maybe he is not doing ok in his life and he know that you are doing very well in life..So maybe he is 'malu' with his situation. And he don't know what you will think of him memandangkan dah lama x jumpa kan...That is my opinion la..but we don't know the real answer for that WHY....
Anyway, SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI from me and family here in Quebec. MAAF ZAHIR BATIN....
Thanks Zara for ur comments. Wow best nya u kat Quebec, Canada ...
I guess u r right. I pun terpikir centu jugak. 10-20 yrs of "separation" is a long time, & many things cud hv happened during that time that can change ppl.
I rasa i tau nama yang u search tu.. Tp i x kenal dia seperti u kenal dia..:p Hanya nama.. tu jer yang i tau.. Anyway..I've a strong belief that u r close with 'DIA' long2 time ago just by the way u smile when i ask who is 'DIA'.. The question is.. Who the heck i'm??? How i know all of this???
Yeah... Maybe 'DIA' yang u maksudkan tu x sanggup berdepan dgn u bukan sbb x suka.. Tapi takut sebab akan ter fall in love dgn u sedangkan u dah kawin anak 4 org.. Kwang3..
Pape pun, i x nak pikir yang bukan2.. I percaya yg 'DIA' ada 'DIA' punya reason why 'DIA' cuba megelak dari u.. Mungkin bkn sbb 'DIA' benci atau x suka u, but maybe that is what 'DIA' think the best for both of u.. Who's know.. Mayb u don't even know..
Dalam dunia ni bukan semua perkara perlukan alasan yang kita akan paham untuk berlaku.. Ada beberapa perkara yang tidak dapat di huraikan dengan alasan/hujah manusia tetapi tetap berlaku.. Yang pasti hanya Allah yang mengetahui segalanya...
Thanks Anonymous ... BTW bila u balik dr S'ban ? Gotcha !
I know that u can trace me easily just by the hint that i know the name of the person that u have search. Well.. who else can have 100% access to ur UMPC browser history just by pressing 'CTRL+H'. Sure 'DIA' mean a lot to u due to at least three solid reason.
1. First, on the first time i ask u who is 'DIA' on the first time i saw 'DIA' name on your first UMPC.
2. Secondly, u keep searching 'DIA' name till now even on ur latest UMPC.
3. Last but not least, by the phrase "Got very excited Tuhan saja yg tahu."
Actually i can give more point but it is not necessary since point no. 3 prove your confession.
Fuyoo ! dahsyat nya u nih ... RMS pun x leh tanding u kalu cenni ;) I guess they don't call u "Mamat Pakar IT" for nothing !! Anyway, keep up ur guessing ... kuang3.
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