Trip kali ni agak lama skit .. almost one week from 1-5 Dec 2010. Covering 3 popular eco-tourism destinations in Sarawak - Lambir, Niah n Similajau. Took an AirAsia flight from LCCT n landed at Miri Airport ..
First thing first. Upon arrival n settled with checking out luggage from Miri Airport, we rented 2 vehicles for our transportation .. One 10-seater Ford econovan n 1 Savvy compact car .. ;)
Pastu kami terus carik restaurant berdekatan airport .. lapar sgt2 ! Pusing punya pusing, restoran ni jer yg kami rasa tahap 'kehalalan n ketoyyibanan' nya nampak jelas n meyakinkan .. huhu ;)
Had a simple lunch : White RICE, fried EGG, KUAH kari ikan, veges, sambal belacan, a cup of chicken soup (sup KOSONG) n warm sky juice .. all for RM5.00 :(
After lunch, terus drive ke Lambir, which is abt 31km from Miri. When we arrived, they were undergoing renovations to upgrade facilities .. esp at their main office area. Prasan x kepala burung hornbill tu dah patah ? huhu ;)
Lambir is 31km from Miri n 182km to Bintulu .. ;)
We checked-in into this 2-bedroom wooden chalet .. with basic amenities like refrigerator, cooking stove n utensils n TV set .. ok la tuh ;) Mandi air dalam kolah .. sejuk n menyegarkan !
Kedai kopi kat Lambir National Park .. ;) Masa kami pegi tu xder gp lain .. so we conquer the place !
The price list .. not bad huh ? One thing abt this Coffee Shop is that u hv to tell them early what u would like to eat esp for dinner, then only they will go out to buy the necessary ingredients .. or else u would end up eating Maggie mee n eggs .. huhu ;)
Early dinner with Nasi Goreng Kampung, bulls eye n lots of fried ground nuts .. all for RM4.50 ! Itu belum kira air .. ;)
The next morning : trekking to Latak waterfall utk mandi pagi .. ;) Anyway i tabek springgg la kat husband n wife trekkers ni (Hazlin n Liza) .. dah la tu tgh pregnant 6 bulan ! Kluar anak besok tentu jadi baby paling sihat n lasak nih .. huhu ;)
Amboih .. sronok la tuh dpt berkerumun kat Peler Kambing !
The Latak Waterfall .. ;)
Morning bath in the river by the waterfall .. air sejuk gilerr .. huhu ;)
Next destination : Pantu waterfall ..
Ada byk trekking trails kat sini .. pilih jer yg mana brkenan dhati .. ;)
As usual .. mula2 trek agak 'mudah' n landai ..
Pastu mula lah ia menaik !
There's a doctor in the house ! oops .. in the jungle ! (left - Dr Wan Junaidi .. adik Wan Rosnah)
Simple trek ..
Amik gamba lagi ..
Trip kali ni mmg everybody on RELAX MODE .. byk berhenti .. sembang2 .. enjoy the environment n atmosphere .. ;)
Trek lagi .. tapi laluan dia agak jelas ..
InsyaAllah u won't get lost here .. kat sini cukup papan tanda !
Berehat seketika di pondok .. just before the corner that descent to Pantu waterfall ..
Finally .. we reached Pantu Waterfall .. ambil gp photo sebelum mandi manda, sbg kenangan ;)
Apa lagi .. mandi lerr ! Everybody couldn't resist the waterfall .. ;)
The water was really cold .. n very refreshing .. Tq Allah ;)
Mas getting her hydro-massage treatment .. FOC ! .. ;)
Bila dah puas mandi manda kat Pantu waterfall, kami trek lg utk balik ke chalet, tp ikut laluan lain pulak, to make it one full circle .. ;)
Along the way .. there's this observation tower .. tp anak2 tangga nya dah reput, so xdpt panjat smpai puncak .. :(
Siap ada warning message .. not for the faint-hearted !
Alhamdulillah .. back to the trail head again .. The rest of the day kami rehat n sembang2 kat chalet n kedai kopi jerw .. ;)
The next day : Drive to Gua Niah !
Register dulu kat main office ..
Trekking to Gua Niah ..
Local handicrafts at makeshift stalls along the way to the Niah Cave main entrance .. ;)
Laluan dia mudah .. just ikut jer wooden pavements yg dsediakan .. ;)
Gua Niah mmg besar .. boleh main futsal kat situ .. ;)
Believe it or x .. suddenly this baby swiftlet fell right in front of me, from its nest on the cave ceiling .. nasib baik x trpijak .. ;)
The next morning : Drive 182km further up to Bintulu - Similajau .. Trip kali ni kami sewa kenderaan n drive sendiri .. byk boleh save n lebih flexible sbb boleh stop anywhere n anytime u desire .. ;)
Gp photo sbg kenangan .. Similajau National Park !
Kat Similajau pun byk trekking trails ..
Trails map of Similajau National Park .. trekking trails di sini byk berlegar kat tepi pantai melalui celah2 pokok bakau (mangroves) .. very interesting .. ;)
Watch out girls .. buaya darat pun ada ! In fact yg posing tu pun xkurang 'kebuayaan' nya tuh .. huhu ;)
Tiny crustaceans. As the tide dies down in the morning, cute crabs r seen along the beach .. ;)
Melepaskan penat kat Pantai Similajau .. sambil menghirup udara bersih tiupan angin pagi South China Sea .. ;)
Dinner time : Makan besar sempena malam terakhir kat sana .. plan asal nak BBQ by the sea, but due to sudden heavy downpour, trpaksa pindah makan kat dalam chalet .. ;) Allahumma baarik lana fiima rozaktana waqina azabannaar .. ;)
The last day : People say ur trip to Sarawak is x complete if u don't buy the colorful Kek Lapis of Sarawak .. So I bought 10 ! .. huhu ;)
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