On 3rd May 2008, took an AirAsia flight from LCCT to Kota Kinabalu. Upon arrival, we checked-in into Trekkers Lodge in the middle of KK town .. nice, cozy place for budget trekkers n easy access to town area. What more could u ask ?
Rented 2 vans with drivers included ..
First stop was Lok Kawi Wildlife Park ..
Then drive up to Monsopiad Cultural Village ..
Cultural performance by the locals .. ramai gak arr tourists kat situ .. ;)
Tengkorak2 lama tergantung kat siling .. ada jugak yg diorg simpan dalam balang / pasu .. Katanya tengkorak ni bukan mak nenek punya, tp kepunyaan 'mangsa' yg ditetak semasa 'peperangan' .. Perghh ganah ! But now they say they r more civilized n xbuat centu lagi .. fuuh legaa .. ;)
Ulat sagu .. yum yum .. ;) Leh kalahkan Bear Grylls of Man Vs Wild .. ;)
Amboiih ! The Semutar Man diapit 3 gadis jelitawan keturunan kaum Monsopiad ! .. tersenyum lebar sampai ke hujung telinga tuu .. huhu ;)
On the way to Kundasang .. one of the vans broke down .. so we decided to perform solat Asar first kat tepi 'highway' .. nasib baik kat situ ada sumber air bersih dari celah2 batu .. Tq Allah kerana memudahkan ;)
Tiba di Zoraini Homestay @ Kundasang .. this is where we spent the nite ..
Had a simple breakfast n relax2 kat luar rumah bersama geng trekkers dlm kategori "veteran but young at heart" - (from left) : Abd Azmi, yours truly n Che Jan .. sambil menghirup udara bersih di kaki Gunung Kinabalu .. ;)
Tu dia .. Gunung Kinabalu as a backdrop ! The white wooden house was where we stayed last nite ..
Melawat Sabah Tea .. Kat sini lah Che Jan lost his Motorola handphone. Cari punya cari, sampai akhir xjumpa .. Last2 geram punya pasal dia beli set baru kat KK .. huhu ;)
Pastu singgah Poring Hot Spring .. utk celup2 kaki kat dalam air panas semulajadi !
One for the album .. at Poring Hot Spring HQ ..
Late evening : checked-in Bishop Head at Mesilau Resort .. an alternative entrance to Gunung Kinabalu. The main n more popular entrance was thru the Timpohon Gate at the Kinabalu Park HQ (which is abt 15km away from Mesilau by road) ..
Next morning : getting ready to climb Mt Kinabalu !
Listening to briefings n climbing tips by our Mountain Guide (the guy with orange T-shirt on the left) ..
Bro Sofian Hashim giving thumbs up .. all systems go !
Baru 1km .. Long way to go bro .. ;)
Trekking trails di peringkat awal kebanyakkannya akar2 kayu n agak licin ..
Pekena apple dulu .. utk basahkan anak tekak !
Pokok2 kat sini mmg colorful ..
Brehat seketika ..
Our Guide (in orange shirt) ..
Suasana cantek mcm ni hanya dpt dikecapi kalau ikut Mesilau trails .. U won't get this if u take the Timpohon trails to the summit .. ;)
MasyaAllah .. sgt canteq anugerah Allah ! At this altitude, the air is misty, cool n refreshing. Kalau boleh nak terus jer dok kat situ .. ;)
Photographers haven ! Only thru the Mesilau trails .. ;)
4.5km .. at 2,898m ASL (above sea level) .. ;)
Asmah negotiating a sharp corner at the tip of the mountain .. silap haribulan boleh tergolek ke bawah gaung (on the right).. ;)
At 5km ..
Kayuh lagi .. Trek kat level atas byk pokok2 renek yg jenis lasak boleh hidup dlm cuaca sejuk n kering.
Yeah .. we made it ! This was Azmi's first climb to Kinabalu .. my 3rd ! .. huhu ;)
Relax kejap kat Waras Hut .. ada gak geng kami yg 'tahap kewarasannya boleh dipertikaikan' tidur kat sini .. Sbb pondok ni xder heater .. boleh beku weh .. huhu ;)
When we arrived at Laban Rata (3300m ASL), the temperature was 9.8 degrees .. sejuk giler !
The only cafeteria at Laban Rata .. full of trekkers at all times .. mostly foreigners .. ;)
Blasah nasi goreng dgn harga RM12.50 sepinggan .. ;) After dinner we slept early .. esok ada cabaran lebih besar !
After Sayat-Sayat (the last check point) many of us started to experience shortness of breath as the air was getting thinner n thinner. This is normal at that altitude. Dgn udara semakin nipis kita cepat rasa ngantuk n penat. Bagi yg kurang fit, ambil lah regular short break, then continue .. kayuh pelan2 .. slowly but surely !
Kayuh punya kayuh, finally we reached Km 8.0 at 3929m ASL ! dah kira dekat sgt dah tu dgn puncak Kinabalu .. ;) Walaupun puncak nampak dekat tapi mak aii .. Bak kata pepatah - so near yet so far ! From this point onwards, muscle or physical power comes 2nd or 3rd, u need strong fighting spirit n mental power to make it to the summit !
The white rope serves both as safety n guide, very useful when the surface is wet n slippery .. otherwise, climbers seldom use it ;)
Donkey Ears Peak (at 4054m ASL) at the backdrop ..
The final last leg .. laluan mencanak atas ketulan batu yg licin ..
1 comment:
Ehh... Baba ada baju mcm Doraemon lah.. :D
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